
This political cartoon is about the air pollution problem during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China.

In the cartoon, the headline on the newspaper is “Olympic endurance events face delay due to pollution.” It is said so because in March 2008, International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued a statement saying that the smog in Beijing could pose a health risk to endurance athletes such as those who participate in the marathon, triathlon, distance walking and swimming, mountain biking, and distance cycling events. IOC President Rogge said before the 2008 Olympic Games started that some events might have to be postponed or rescheduled if pollution levels were particularly high on a certain day. These arrangements made a lot of athletes and other countries disappointed on Beijing.

The man on the left asks “What is an endurance event”. Normally, the answer for this question should be some kinds of sport events like the marathon, triathlon or distance cycling. But the other man answers “In Beijing, just about anything that involves breathing”. It means that even breathing such basic act needs endurance for Beijing people. Here the cartoonist uses irony to show the seriousness of the air pollution problem during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Lastly, the bird in the cage represents the Beijing citizens as well as the 2008 Olympic Games athletes in Beijing. The bird cannot breathe by itself but only if it uses the oxygen can. This is an exaggeration showing that in Beijing there is no fresh air for people to breathe in. The bird also symbolizes the people in Beijing, who are like the birds in cage and can do nothing to help with the situation. Actually, the air pollution problem in Beijing is becoming more and more serious. People in Beijing need to wear surgical masks when they go out. They sometimes cannot even see the sun and the buildings a few blocks away.

Jessica Ng
9/17/2013 03:11:18 pm

I really like your cartoon which showed the prevailing situation of Beijing. Although it was drawn in 2007, I think it is still true that people in Beijing are still suffering from serious air pollution. It seems to me that the Chinese government has not paid much attention in alleviating the problem but focusing on the economic growth and political censorship only. I wonder when the Chinese government would really take prompt action to mitigate the problem.

Sometimes I don't really understand why the International Olympic Committee (IOC) would announce Beijing as the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games since Beijing is full of problems in terms of political, social and environmental. In what criteria they are considering to choose a host city of the Olympic Games? Just like Tokyo has won the bid recently. I feel really puzzled.

9/22/2013 10:46:30 pm

But I think the Olympics game can allow China and Japan to learn a lesson, especially lesson for city management, in old days, Beijing was crowded with the vehicle, but in Olympics, the government tried their very best to control the traffic in order to create a good image. I believe it is a good try for China to learn a lesson. If only those “developed” countries are allowed to host Olympics, according to Jessica Ng, Olympics may be monopolized.

9/24/2013 06:16:47 am

Great comments guys!

I agree with your analysis - the cartoonist is raising an important issue through the humour of sport endurance. Good work!


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